The idea is that by moving the tyres from one position to another, you can reduce uneven wear patterns and help ensure your tyres last as long as possible. This results in a better ride for you and helps save fuel and protect your wallet. It's worth doing as part of regular car service.

It has long since been established that rotating Tyres Market Harborough is an effective way of extending tyre life and its benefits are well worth considering. The simple act of rotation helps to keep your tyres balanced, which in turn reduces the chances of uneven wear caused by spinning or sliding. It can also help reduce fuel consumption.

Why Do People Think They Need Their Tyres Rotated?

So why does everyone think they have to have their tyres rotated? Well, if you're anything like us, then you'll agree with these three points:

1) If It Ain't Broke, Doesn't Fix It?: if we're driving around on perfectly balanced wheels and no noticeable tyre wear, indeed, there's no reason to touch them? Right?

2) "My Car Service Guy Just Does It Anyway": ok, you've checked your tyre wear and decided that the tyres are excellent. You're still interested in this rotation lark, though, so you get all fours wheels done during your next service to ensure they last as long as possible. Good thinking!

3) A Safe Pair of Hands: we know we can trust our local tyre expert to keep our wheels balanced and rotated every time we go in for a service. And if we don't rotate them then what's the point?

4) The latest and greatest car software update includes information on when manufacturers think you should be rotating your RoadX Tyres Market Harborough. We all want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology, right?

5) "I've Heard People Say It's Suitable for Your Tyres ", says one of our readers (Hi James!). You can't argue with that! If someone you trust has told you that rotation is good, then we're inclined to take their advice…

6) Manufacturers Also Say It's a Good Idea: We were surprised by this but did some research and found out many manufacturers recommend tyre rotation (including Porsche !). BMW even claims they know when owners haven't rotated their tyres correctly, resulting in severe problems!!

Tyre rotation is one of the least exciting things about owning a car. To some, it's yet another chore to do on an already full-to-bursting maintenance list. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal to others if they're performing regular checks and services.

But for all those dubious about the benefits or who think tyre rotation isn't worth their time, read these six reasons why you should still bother rotating your tyres – even if you don't care how they look.

1) Extended Tyre Life Let's Face It:

One of the main reasons many people rotate their tyres is to simply make them last longer! An annual tyre rotation can help prevent uneven or excessive wear on your tyres, leading to costly repairs or replacements later on.

2) Even Pressure: 

As tyres wear, the tyre tread becomes thinner and more of your vehicle's weight is distributed to the edges of the tyre. This can cause them to wear down quickly, leading to blowouts or accidents due to loss of control while steering or braking.

3) Better Gas Mileage:

Nothing affects fuel economy like turning. Doing so puts additional stress on tyres with uneven wear patterns resulting in decreased grip, less stability on turns and increased rolling resistance (causing your engine to work harder). The only way you can avoid all these adverse effects is by rotating your car's tyres regularly. 

4) Improved Safety:

Bad road conditions aren't just uncomfortable; they're unsafe too! If you let your Tyres Market Harborough get too worn out, water can't escape efficiently, and you end up with reduced traction on wet or icy roads and even less control over your vehicle. Your tyres should always be in the best possible shape to ensure safety while driving.

5) More Comfortable:

To drive for everyone Rotating your tyres may not make them look fresh and new again, but it will help them perform better, which ultimately allows you to enjoy a more comfortable ride throughout their lifespan. 

6) It's Easy:

If you're still hesitant about tyre rotation because it sounds complicated, think again! All you need is a floor jack that can support your car's weight and some basic knowledge of the different wheels underneath the car (we promise we won't tell anyone if you don't know off the top of your head).

For more information on tyre rotation, visit your local centre to learn about the benefits
